Mutahar and the Squirrel.


It was just a normal day fapping to some Sasha Grey vids, Like I always do on a saturday morning. But I noticed something, a new SomeOrdinaryGamers video was out! I always watch his videos and read along with him on his his Creepypasta videos. But this was diffrent. I guess I should tell you.


Next, I went to watch the video. The title was, "Pootahar Fucks A squirrel and Blows a Deth Whistle" I thought it was weird, but I shrugged off thinking it was a glitch. The video started with the intro but I recall it was diffrent. It was blazing loud and in G-Major. But I shrugged it off thinking it was just the intro for this, "Special Episode".


The video started with Mutahar walking outside. The sky was all red. Then Mutahar saw a squirrel up in a tree. He shouted to the squirrel, "COME DOWN HERE YOU FILTHY PROSTITUTE! COME HERE FOR SIX DICKS OF VERY LONG!!!" Of course I knew the squirrel would come down, because who wouldn't give an offer like that! I was ready to see the action. Mutahar pulled down his pants slowly... But then it ended. Was there a part 2???


I was very disappointed. Where was the X video I wanted to watch? How big were the six dicks? I smashed my computer in anger. I was so mad. But then, something amazing happened. Mutahar came out of the screen. I was so happy. He whispered these words I will never forget

''You have hyper realistic blood inside of you. It is the work of the Illuminati. Hear its cry. Bob Saget."''

Mutahar broke a hole in the roof. He descended like the Lorax. A light shone on him. He flew up into the sky.


I now live a normal life. I have a girlfriend, friends, and an apartment. But I remembered Mutahars words to me. Bob Saget, Hmmm... Maybe my wife will give birth to a baby named that? My last name is Saget.
I will do as Mutahar asks me.